C++ Memory Safety: Safe Pointer
Implementation of C++ Memory Safety with Safe Pointer
C++, safety (borrow-checker, C++, memory-safety, safe-pointer)Implementation of C++ Memory Safety with Safe Pointer
C++, safety (borrow-checker, C++, memory-safety, safe-pointer)Have you ever had any dangling pointers or references in your application? If so, this article will open a discussion about how to try to remove them from your application. A bit of Context As many of you may have heard, during the last months there were some discussions about memory-safe languages and governmental organizations […]
safety (C++, Dangling, Pointers, Rust, Safety)Introduction This article deals with the use of bool in C++. Should we use it or not? That is the question we will try to answer here. However, this is more of an open discussion than a coding rule. First of all, what is the bool type? A boolean variable is a variable that can […]
C++ (bool, C++11, expressive)